Abstract:The use of listening to music as an economic, non-invasive, and highly accepted intervention tool has received special interest in the reduction of stress and stress-related health issues. The parents of preterm infants face major mental health challenges in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). Family-centered music therapy actively integrates and empowers parents in their neonates’ care. The purpose of the study was to assess effectiveness of instrumental music among parents of the neonates admitted in NICU.
Methods: One group pre-test, post-test research design, which belongs to pre-experimental design, was selected to effectiveness of instrumental music on level of stress among parents of the neonates admitted in NICU. An evaluative research approach was considered appropriate for the present study. Study was undertaken on 60 parents of neonates were selected by purposive sampling technique. In the present study, the data collected by using the demographic data and perceived stress scale. The data collection was carried out from 24th October to 15th November. Formal permission will be obtained from the head of the hospital before proceeding for data collection. After obtaining informed consent from the sample and assuring about confidentiality of the information. The investigator will administer the structured interview schedule which contains demographic variables and questionnaire to assess the level of stress of parents of neonates admitted in NICU. The data will be collected for about 4-5 subject per day. Duration of data collection was 40 days. Parents are allowed to listen instrumental music in a separate room at least 2 times a day for 5 days duration will be for 30 min. Parents are assessed stress before and after listening to instrumental music.
Results: Majority of samples 55% were within the age group of 25-31and 41.7% within the age group of 18-24 and 3.33% within the age group of 32-38. With respect to gender 61.7% were female and 38.3% were male. Maximum samples 70% were belongs to Hindu religion, 13.3% were belongs to Muslim religion and 7% from other religion. As per education is concerned 50% of samples were having high school educational qualification, 23.3% were from secondary education and 28.7 were from graduate. Among 60 samples 56.7% were working and 43.3% were not working. Most of the samples 45% were having Rs 10001-15000 family income per month, 35% were having Rs 5001-10000 family income per month and 20% were having Rs >15000 family income per month. Among 60 samples 56.7% were from rural residence and 43.3% were from urban residence. Pre Interventional Scores: the level of stress among parents of neonates measured on Perceived stress Scale. It depicts that 65% were having severe stress, 18.33% were having moderate stress and 10% were having very severe stress and 6.66% were having mild level of stress in pre-test. Post Interventional Scores: It depicts that 58% of the samples were having moderate stress, 31.67% were having mild stress and 10% of the samples were having severe stress and 0% were having very severe stress in posttest. Pre-intervention mean score and SD in parents of neonates were 22.68 and 4.90 respectively. Post-intervention mean score and SD in parents of neonates were 12.86 and 4.48 respectively.
Conclusion: The reduction in the stress score was found statistically significant at the level of p<0.001 the study finding revealed that instrumental music was effective in reducing level of stress among parent of neonates.