Abstract:Children below the age of 5 years are considered with the mothers as vulnerable and are at risk group. Getting admitted in the hospital is stressful event for all children of all ages. During a minor or any serious illness children have a great need of their parents and can tolerate their absence only for short periods.
Objectives: Assess the level of stress among hospitalized children. To find out the association between the stress scores and the selected socio demographic variables of the hospitalized children for surgery.
Material and methods: An observational research approach was used for the present study at Krishna Hospital, & Chaitanya Hospital Karad. 30 children who were hospitalized for surgery were selected by non probability purposive sampling technique. between the age group of 6-12 years, admitted in pediatric unit. Tools used for the study were socio demographic variables and Self structured Stress rating scale Ethical clearance was obtained from the IEC of Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences, Deemed Univer
Results: Maximum 13 (43%) from 6 – 7 years, 17 (57%) were male 13 (43%) were female, 24(80%) were Hindu,15(50%) children were from rural area while 15(50%) were from urban area. Majority 20 (67%) parents were having two children, Majority 19 (70%) children were second child of their parents 15 (50%) children were from joint family while 15(50%) children were from nuclear family. Maximum 23(76.67%) children are having Severe stress level, 6(20%) children are having moderate stress level and 1 (0.33%) children are having mild stress So H1 is accepted. Mean 30.066, median 38.50 and SD 6.330. There was a significant association found between stress level and age of children (χ2=11.54, P= 0.021) also with the stress level and type of family (χ2=9.130, P-value = 0.010). None of the other socio-demographic variables were found to have significant association with the level of stress. So H2 is accepted.
Conclusion: findings of the present study revealed that there was severe level of stress among children pre operatively.