Abstract:The children’s development is the first priority on the country’s development agenda, not because they are the most vulnerable, but because they are our supreme assets and also the future human resources of our country.
Objectives: To assess the knowledge regarding ICDS programme among mothers of under five children. To find out an association between knowledge score with selected socio demographic variables.
Material and methods: A descriptive approach was used for the present study. Study setting used Selected Anganwadi’s of Karad. 60 Mothers of Under Five Children Residing At Karad were selected by convenient sampling technique. between the age group of 20-40 years, Mothers who are available at the time of data collection. Study tool consist of socio-demographic variables of the mothers and Structured Knowledge Questionnaire. Data collected after written permission from the concerned authority for conducting research study. Written informed content was obtained. Data analysis plan: The obtained data was analyzed in the term of objectives for the study using descriptive and inferential statistics.
Results: 29(48.3%) belong 20-25years. 22(36.7%) had only primary education. 36(60%) were house wife, 34(56.7%) monthly income were Rs 5001-10000, 40(66.7%) from nuclear family,31(51.7%) having 2 children. Maximum 58(96.67%) had average knowledge about ICDS, only 1(1.67%) having poor knowledge score, and 1(1.67%) having Good knowledge score regarding ICDS.So H1 is accepted. With mean 14.3, median 15 and SD 1.78. Association found between educational status and occupation So H2 is accepted.
Conclusion: findings of the present study revealed that there was adequate knowledge of mothers regarding Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS).