The Functional Status of Liver as Factor of Early Polyorganic Insufficiency in Patients With Acute Small Intestine Obstruction
Vasyl Skrypko
Сomplex examination and surgical treatment of patients with the acute intestinal obstruction was conducted. It was established that both during the preoperative period and after the surgery for restoring the permeability of the small intestine there is a significant violation of the functional state of the liver. Іt was the basis for prescribing the antioxidant therapy to the commonly accepted treatment.
Using of the drug Reamberine promotes the effective correction of the protein synthetic function of the liver, the decreasing of inflammation and stagnation in the hepatocytes, the reduction of the endogenous intoxication and postoperative complications.
How to cite this article:
Vasyl Skrypko. The Functional Status of Liver as Factor of Early Polyorganic Insufficiency in Patients With Acute Small Intestine Obstruction. Pharma Innovation 2014;3(4):64-66.