Correction of Endothelial Dysfunction in Patients with Hypertension, Ischemic Heart Disease, Gocut and Obesity
Maryana Vatseba
Our study aimed to investigate the role of endothelial dysfunction in patients with hypertension, ischemic heart disease, gout and obesity. The study involved 41 patients (all male) with hypertension, ischemic heart disease, gout and obesity. The aim of research was to improve treatment of endothelial dysfunction in patients with hypertension, ischemic heart disease, gout and obesity by using Lozartan and Meldonium. Application to the basic therapy Lozartan and Meldonium improve the elastic properties of elastic arteries, particularly reduce endothelin-1, pulse wave velocity, aortic stiffness index, thickness intima - media complex and increase endothelium dependent vasodilatation. Thus, the combined use of Lozartan and Meldonium is feasible, effective and safe for prolonged use.
How to cite this article:
Maryana Vatseba. Correction of Endothelial Dysfunction in Patients with Hypertension, Ischemic Heart Disease, Gocut and Obesity. Pharma Innovation 2013;2(5):57-59.