Problem Of Nitrato Resistance Occurrence And Ways Of It Overcoming.
Nataliia Zozuliak
The aim of our study was to improve the treatment of patients with stable Angina Pectoris functional class III with Hypertension and prevention of nitratoresistance development with usage of antioxidant (Mexicor) and NO-donor (L-arginine). The study involved 63 patients with stable angina pectoris FC III with concomitant Hypertension. All patients were divided into two groups. Patients of I group received basic therapy, patients of group II - except basic therapy received Mexicor and L-arginin. The effectiveness of antianginal therapy was assessed by dynamic of clinical indicators, tolerance to physical activity, endothelial function and the level of oxidative stress. Influenced by Mexicor and L-arginine patients better upgraded clinical, hemodynamic and biochemical predictors of nitratoresistance compare with the influence of only basic therapy.
How to cite this article:
Nataliia Zozuliak. Problem Of Nitrato Resistance Occurrence And Ways Of It Overcoming.. Pharma Innovation 2013;1(11):80-84.