Volume 2, Issue 2


Monitoring of the Patients’ Satisfaction as Tools to Improve In-Patient Care Quality


Authors: Oryna Detsyk, Andriy Javorsky, Mykhaylo Javorsky
The Department of Social Medicine and Health Care Organisation Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine

Abstract: It was performed sociological survey by special questionnaire of 530 patients at the end of treatment in surgical departments of the in-patients facilities of the Ivano-Frankisk region. It was found out that the main impact on patient’s dissasatisfaction by in-patient healthcare service have information and deontological deficiencies (improper attitude by personnel, preclude patient from make decision, lack of patient’s rights information) and healthcare management shortcomings (lack of precision and regularity in the activity of personnel, between hospital and pre-hospital departments, standards of hospital treatment neglect) as well. It has been proposed improved way of in-patient quality management, including new elements like monitoring of patient’s healthcare service satisfaction and training programs for personnel in communication skills, legal relationships of patient and medical personnel, conflict management.

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