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S. No. | Title and Authors Name | Country |
1 | Successful surgical management of basal cell carcinoma in a Labrador retriever dog (Lumpectomy) Basiri Dinesh, Lella Lokesh, Racharla Srujan and M Sravanti Pages: 2508-2511 | 268 Views 110 Downloads | Country: India | India |
2 | Advances of protected cultivation of vegetable crops in India as well as global scenario: A review Abhijit Debnah and Prahlad Deb Pages: 2512-2518 | 1304 Views 1120 Downloads | Country: India | India |
3 | Constraints in adoption of protected cultivation technologies in semi-arid eastern plains zone of Rajasthan RL Meena, PN Kalla, BL Dhaka, Kirti, MK Gora, Pawan Kumar and BD Jat Pages: 2519-2521 | 322 Views 158 Downloads | Country: India | India |
4 | A study on prevalence of social anxiety among students B Laldinpuii and Dr. Rupjyoti Bhattacharjee Pages: 2522-2526 | 1319 Views 868 Downloads | Country: India | India |
5 | Host specific transmission study on Mycobacterium avium subsp. Paratuberculosis in ruminants PI Ganesan, G Sravani and Amalakanti Satya Swetha Sri Vani Pages: 2527-2529 | 247 Views 82 Downloads | Country: India | India |
6 | To study the constraints encountered by KVKs beneficiaries for acceptance of extension methods Prince Kumar and KK Singh Pages: 2555-2556 | 280 Views 120 Downloads | Country: India | India |
7 | Awareness on health, hygiene and sanitation of rural women: Village level study Wandahun Lynshiang, Dr. Bineeta Satpathy, Dr. Mala Kumari and Dr. Punam Kumari Pages: 2557-2559 | 700 Views 480 Downloads | Country: India | India |
8 | Problem faced by the tribal farmers during adoption of groundnut production technology and suggestions to overcome Deepika Toppo, Dr. HK Awasthi and Akanksha Minj Pages: 2560-2561 | 351 Views 175 Downloads | Country: India | India |
9 | The status of millets in Odisha: A review Alaka Mishra, Bibhudutta Misra, Mukesh, Sameer Mohapatro, Chitrasena Padhi, Vineetha Chandra, Swati Suman and Chinmaya Nanda Pages: 2562-2566 | 461 Views 223 Downloads | Country: India | India |
10 | Gross lesions and cytopathological findings in a Lymphosarcoma affected pig RV Ramanamurty and C Yugandhar Pages: 2567-2569 | 278 Views 124 Downloads | Country: India | India |
11 | Quantification of biofilm forming ability of Salmonella species at different time interval Shamanth Rakkith RN, Madhavaprasad CB, Prashanth S Bagalakote, Arun SJ, Ganesh Udupa K and Ananthakrishna LR Pages: 2570-2572 | 336 Views 160 Downloads | Country: India | India |
12 | A Rare report of ocular myasthenia gravis in male Chippiparai dog PK Ramkumar, M Saravanan, K Karthika, N Premalatha, K Sathiyalakshmi and T Pavithra Pages: 2573-2575 | 319 Views 139 Downloads | Country: India | India |
13 | The economic effects of the cluster front line demonstration (CFLD pulses) on pigeonpea in Madhya Pradesh's Balaghat District SR Dhuware, KK Deshmukh, Rajni Agashe, Sukhlal Waskel and DR Agashe Pages: 2576-2578 | 353 Views 186 Downloads | Country: India | India |
14 | Cluster front line demonstration (CFLD oilseed)'s economic effects on linseed in Madhya Pradesh's Balaghat District SR Dhuware, Ghanshyam Deshmukh, Rajni Agashe, Sukhlal Waskel and DR Agashe Pages: 2579-2581 | 331 Views 151 Downloads | Country: India | India |
15 | Comparative efficacy of certain chemicals and bio-pesticides against wheat aphid [Sitobion miscanthi (Takahashi)] Nitin Kumar Garg and Ashwani Kumar Pages: 2582-2585 | 261 Views 92 Downloads | Country: India | India |
16 | An economic analysis marketing of tobacco & constraints related in Muzaffarpur district of Bihar Saloni and Dr. Mukesh Kumar Maurya Pages: 2655-2660 | 301 Views 118 Downloads | Country: India | India |
17 | Effect of varying levels of dietary degradable protein on blood biochemical parameters in crossbred calves B Om Prakash Reddy, SJ Bunglavan, K Ally, G Sherin, S George, Y Nagendra Reddy and I Suresh Kumar Reddy Pages: 2661-2663 | 311 Views 115 Downloads | Country: India | India |
18 | Impact of training programmes among the tribal farmers provided by Krishi Vigyan Kendra's of west Nimar region Madhya Pradesh Govinda Bihare, VK Swarnkar and SK Badodiya Pages: 2664-2666 | 323 Views 120 Downloads | Country: India | India |
19 | Coconut (Cocos nucifera) husk: An agro-waste for surface enrichment of silk fabric Purnima Das, Binita Baishya Kalita, Sunita Boruah, Shilpi Buragohain and Moirangthem Jeena Devi Pages: 2667-2671 | 635 Views 445 Downloads | Country: India | India |
20 | Assessment of faecal cortisol in captive elephants of Tamil Nadu state: An indicator of stress Nishanth B, Jayathangaraj MG and Sridhar R Pages: 2672-2674 | 345 Views 174 Downloads | Country: India | India |