Biochemical changes during repair of long bone fracture repair using string-of-pearls locking plate in dogs
Kartik Bidari, Doddamani Jahangirbasha, Dilipkumar D and Bhagavantappa B
The present study was conducted to evaluate biochemical parameters like serum calcium, phosphorus and alkaline phosphatase during long bones fracture healing in 18 dogs, which were stabilized with String-of-Pearls (SOP) plate. Statistical analysis revealed significant rise (p<0.01) up to 30th post-operative day, followed by decrease (p<0.01) by 60th post-operative day in these parameters and values were within normal physiological limits throughout the study.
How to cite this article:
Kartik Bidari, Doddamani Jahangirbasha, Dilipkumar D and Bhagavantappa B. Biochemical changes during repair of long bone fracture repair using string-of-pearls locking plate in dogs. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2023; 12(9S): 1481-1484.