To study abundance of groundnut pod borers
Magar SM, Mutkule DS, Khatake DP, Gambhire VS and Bhosale NU
The investigations on to study the abundance of groundnut pod borers was carried out at Department of Agricultural Entomology, Oilseed Research Station, Latur during year, 2021-2022. The insect pests associated with groundnut in kharif season was earwig, wireworm and subterranean ant. The earwig and wireworm was dominant in Oilseed Research Station, Latur. The pest was observed damaging the pods of groundnut. The incidence of groundnut pod borers was high ranged between 0 to 40 percent in research plot. Earwig pod damage recorded between 0 to 40 percent in kharif season, wireworm damage recorded in the range 0 to 36 percent in kharif season, subterranean ants pod damage in the range of 0 to 33.33 percent in kharif season 2021- 2022. Damage symptoms of each groundnut pod borers was described based on position, size, shape of holes on pod, nature, extent of damage to kernel, and also other distinguishing features like type of excreta and nature of plugging in the pod. The pod damage due to earwig and wireworm was more in kharif season.
How to cite this article:
Magar SM, Mutkule DS, Khatake DP, Gambhire VS and Bhosale NU. To study abundance of groundnut pod borers. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2023; 12(9S): 1155-1158.