Influence of varied levels of nutrients in diet of swarnadhara growers on survivability rate
Suma N, BSV Reddy and Suresh BN
To check the response of high and low energy as well as high and low protein levels in diet on survivability per cent of 354 swarnadhara female parent stock during grower (12 - 20 weeks age) period was planned by dividing them in to 32 replications of 12 birds each. Four grower diets with High Energy and High Protein-HEHP – T1, High Energy and Low Protein–HELP – T2, Low Energy and High Protein–LEHP – T3; Low energy and Low Protein-LELP– T4 were prepared. The levels of energy and protein being 2500 and 2400 kcal ME / kg; 16 and 15% CP. Each experimental diet was fed to 8 replicate groups. The trial was conducted under deep litter system by providing uniform managemental conditions. The results showed that the livability per cent of grower birds for all treatments was statistically (p<0.05) different with values ranging from as 96.88% (T4) to 100% (T1, T3); while no dietary cause could be attributable for such results. Hence the studies concluded that varied levels of energy / protein have no adverse effect on livability of birds.
How to cite this article:
Suma N, BSV Reddy and Suresh BN. Influence of varied levels of nutrients in diet of swarnadhara growers on survivability rate. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2023; 12(9S): 572-573.