Vol. 12, Special Issue 9 (2023)
Current status of consumer preference for ornamental fish keeping in Navsari District
DC Tandel, SR Lende, CM Bhadesiya, SK Shekh and HP Patel
The study was conducted for initial assessment of current status of consumer preference for ornamental fish keeping in Navsari district for period of 6 months. Data was collected interview of aquarium users through prepared questionnaire. The purpose of present study is to find preference to ornamental fish keeper and routine health care adopted by aquarium keepers. Total 60 numbers of respondents interviewed in study out of which 63% were in the age group of 40 years male person are more engaged in aquarium keeping. Ornamental fish keepers kept their aquarium in their house for decoration and hobby. Majority of the respondents were graduate (43%) having experience of 1 to 3 years. It is notice that majority of users kept only one aquarium in their houses (92%) and most of thems were community type aquarium. While it was notice that some of the respondents also keeping two and more aquariums. Majority of this aquariums are medium size and goldfish is dominated rather than other speices. Majority of respondents use commercially available feed with feeding twice in a day. Fin rot, dropsy, and loss of appatite are noticed by some of respondents and they treat those diseases with the help of ornamental fish Shopkeepers advices.
How to cite this article:
DC Tandel, SR Lende, CM Bhadesiya, SK Shekh and HP Patel. Current status of consumer preference for ornamental fish keeping in Navsari District. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2023; 12(9S): 415-419.