Histological and micrometrical observation on the liver of indigenous pig of Tamil Nadu
SA Sivakumar, TA Kannan, Sabiha Hayath Basha and Geetha Ramesh
The present histological observation is carried out in the liver of indigenous pigs of Tamil Nadu. Liver tissue samples of adult age groups were collected, processed and stained for Histological, Histochemical and Micrometrical studies. The liver is noticed on the right side of the abdomen and gross anatomically divided into five lobes. The liver was invested by the outer capsule. From the capsule the septa arise and divides the parenchyma of the organ into lobules. The thickness of the capsule measured from 15.04 to 50.59 with the mean value of 34.30 ± 13.36 micron. The hepatic lobules were polyhedral in shape. The central vein was noticed in the lobules with the plates of hepatic cells radiating away from the central vein towards the periphery of the lobule. In some lobules two central veins is also noticed. The diameter of hepatic lobules varied from 942.41 to 1508.28 with the mean value of 1193.20 ± 196.65 micron. Hepatic cells are stained acidophilic with large rounded nucleus and vacuolated cytoplasm. The diameter of the hepatic cells measurement varied from 9.73 to 23.52 micron with the mean value of 17.43 ± 4.75 micron. The diameter of the central vein ranged from 40.45 to 115.00 micron with the mean value 79.90 ± 24.51 micron. The portal triad was located at the periphery of the lobule. The triad contains hepatic artery, hepatic vein and hepatic duct. The luminal diameter of the hepatic artery ranged from 18.43 to 43.71 micron with the mean value of 31.40 ± 10.36 micron and the thickness of the hepatic artery range varied from 17.94 to 39.37 micron with mean value of 28.60 ± 6.07 micron. The luminal diameter of hepatic vein ranged from 16.37 to 45.85 micron with the mean value 33.10 ± 12.30 micron. The luminal diameter of hepatic duct range varied from 20.80 to 72.45 micron with the mean value of 52.70 ± 20.74 micron. The capsule, trabeculae and the regions of portal triad were rich in collagen fibres. There fibres are also noticed surrounding the central vein. The capsule, trabeculae and the parenchyma of the liver showed positive reaction to periodic acid Schiff reaction. Whereas the capsule showed less positive reaction to alcian blue staining method.
How to cite this article:
SA Sivakumar, TA Kannan, Sabiha Hayath Basha and Geetha Ramesh. Histological and micrometrical observation on the liver of indigenous pig of Tamil Nadu. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2023; 12(9S): 264-267.