Management of secondary hypertension in dogs
Dr. V Sai Charitha, Dr. K Satish Kumar, Dr. VVV Amruth Kumar and Dr. BDP Kala Kumar
Systemic hypertension is recognized as a common problem in elder dogs that results in Target organ damage (TOD).Early and efficient treatment plays a major role to lower the risk of TOD and to avoid hypertensive emergencies. Twelve severely hypertensive (≥ 180 mm Hg) client-owned dogs with chronic kidney disease stage II (Scr. 1.4-2.8 mg/dl) were divided randomly into two groups viz., Group I and II with 6 dogs each, and were treated with benazepril (Angiotensin-converting enzyme) and amlodipine (Calcium channel blocker) in group I and with telmisartan (Angiotensin receptor blocker) and amlodipine in group II dogs for 30 days along with other common conventional therapy for all the dogs. Though there was an improvement in both groups, an overall relative improvement in blood pressure along with the clinical signs was seen at a faster rate with complete clinical recovery among group II dogs in comparison with group I dogs.
How to cite this article:
Dr. V Sai Charitha, Dr. K Satish Kumar, Dr. VVV Amruth Kumar and Dr. BDP Kala Kumar. Management of secondary hypertension in dogs. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2023; 12(9S): 173-175.