Studies on major insect pests of French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and bio-efficacy evaluation of newer insecticides
Bheesham Kumar, Gajendra Chandrakar, AK Awasthi, Shreya Chandrakar, Saheli Mahajan, Archana Kerketta and SM Ali Humayun
At Raipur's Research and Instructional Farm, which is part of the College of Agriculture, the field experiment was conducted. Rabi 2022–2023 at the Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya in Raipur (Chhattisgarh). According to the study, the aphid population peaked between the third week of December and the third week of March. With a peak aphid population of 42.32 per three branches of 10 cm, the fourth week of February (8th SMW) saw the highest pest activity of all the months of the crop cycle. The findings showed a substantial positive connection between aphid population and maximum temperature (r=0.778**). The remaining abiotic factors, such as minimum temperature (r=0.503), maximum relative humidity (r=0.180), and minimum relative humidity (r=0.390), however, did not significantly differ in their correlations with each other or with rainfall (r=-0.152).
How to cite this article:
Bheesham Kumar, Gajendra Chandrakar, AK Awasthi, Shreya Chandrakar, Saheli Mahajan, Archana Kerketta and SM Ali Humayun. Studies on major insect pests of French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and bio-efficacy evaluation of newer insecticides. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2023; 12(8S): 1004-1006.