Performance evaluation of automated inter and intra row weeder for precision farming
PR Balas, TD Mehta and DB Balas
A weed is unwanted plant which grows any wrong time and place. Weed control is generally challenging tasks in agriculture. Weeds grow far more quickly than crops do, and if they are not controlled and maintained, they may take over the entire field (Balas et ai., 2022C). Weeding is very difficult task and it increasing the extra cost change of farmer. Weeding not easy by manually and any machine/ equipment. Which may more chances to damage main crops. The automated inter and intra row rotary weeder cum sprayer was tested in three crops as brinjal, castor and cotton. The lowest as hourly fuel consumption (2.01, 2.04 and 2.06 l/h), fuel consumption on area basis (13.12, 13.35 and 13.49 l/ha), plant damage (8.71, 8.14 and 10.14%) and highest as intra weeding efficiency (78.36, 74.41 and 67.89%), weeding efficiency (80.94, 78.90 and 75.79%), field efficiency (85.28, 85.00 and 84.99%), performance index (197.08, 187.93 and 176.73) of brinjal, castor and cotton crop respectively. The theoretical field capacity of weeder was found as 0.180 ha/h while effective field capacity were 0.153, 0.152 and 0.152ha/h of brinjal, castor and cotton crop respectively.
How to cite this article:
PR Balas, TD Mehta and DB Balas. Performance evaluation of automated inter and intra row weeder for precision farming. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2023; 12(8S): 993-1003.