Uterine prolapse in Jersey cow-treatment and management a case report
Chitralekha Deo, Upasana Verma, Smriti Shrawan, Tarun Sahu, GK Mishra, RP Tiwari and Shweta Thwait
Abstract:A 6 year old Jersey cow with history of around 9 month of pregnancy was attended at the farmer’s doorway for treatment by team veterinary hospital Narharpur, Kanker (C.G.) showing protrusion of uterine mass with profuse bleeding. In this case uterine prolapse observed 4hrs following parturition. The animal was depressed and dull with sub normal body temperature, suspended urination, rumination, defication and congested mucus membrane. The animal was restrain in standing position by injection of 5mL 2% lignocaine hydrochloride epidurally at1st coccygeal space. Then prolapse mass was washed with chilled water containing 1% potassium permanganate (KmNo4) solution and there after tissue debris was removed. Retained urine was evacuated by Catheterization. To reduce the edema, herbal POP-IN spray was applied. This procedure swas repeated two or three times so that prolapsed mass come back to its normal size. The protruded mass was held on moist and clean cloth. Inj. Amoxicillin sodium and Sulbactum sodium (Moxel forte 3g) @10mg/kg BW, Inj.Flunixin meglumine (Megludine Inj. 10 mL I/M), Chlorpheniramine maleate (10mL I/M), Inj.Tonophasphan15mL I/M, Inj.Repronol10mL I/M (Vit.E & Se Inj.) Inj, Mifex (450 mL slow I/V route) and Inj.Dextrose 5%(I/V),.Inj.Spasmovet 30 mL (I/M).After epidural injection, prolapsed mass was lifted and pushed back by using fist into its normal position with gentle pressure along with uterine horns which was later examined per-rectally. Furea bolus and Metrogyl solution were inserted intrauterine and suture was applied to kept uterus in its normal position. After successful replacement of prolapsed mass Lignocaine jelly and Soframycin ointment mixture was applied on uterus to reduce the sensation of the uterus thereby reducing straining and to provide an antibacterial coverage. After supportive therapy was given for 5 days, animal was recovered, started feeding and drinking normally after 12hrs as reported by the owner.
How to cite this article:
Chitralekha Deo, Upasana Verma, Smriti Shrawan, Tarun Sahu, GK Mishra, RP Tiwari and Shweta Thwait. Uterine prolapse in Jersey cow-treatment and management a case report. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2023; 12(8S): 522-524.