Effect of different irrigation and fertigation levels on water use efficiency, fertilizer use efficiency and biometric parameter of strawberry crop under coastal climatic condition of Konkan region
SM Bhagwat, PM Ingle, US Kadam, ST Patil and PB Bansode
Abstract:The present research entitled, “Effect of different irrigation and fertigation levels on water use efficiency, fertilizer use efficiency and biometric parameter of Strawberry crop under coastal climatic condition of Konkan region” during the 2022-23 growing season was carried out at the instructional Farm of Department of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, college of Agricultural Engineering and technology, Dr. Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli. The experiment involved nine treatment combinations with four replication. The experiment was arranged in split plot design with three irrigation levels in the main plots and three fertigation levels in the sub plots. The study results revealed for maximum water use efficiency and fertilizer use efficiency (6.71 q/ha.cm) and (10.10) was found in treatment combination I2F3 (0.8 ETc and 105% RD) and I3F1 (1.0 ETc and 75% RD). Three irrigation levels includes I1 (60% ETc), I2 (80% ETc) and I3 (100% ETc) and fertigation levels includes F1 (75% RDF), F2 (90% RDF) and F3 (105% RDF). The irrigation was scheduled on daily basis and fertigation was weekly basis. The study results revealed for treatment combination I3F3 was found better in obtaining maximum number of leaves, plant height and leaf area and % canopy over the treatment combination I1F2.
How to cite this article:
SM Bhagwat, PM Ingle, US Kadam, ST Patil and PB Bansode. Effect of different irrigation and fertigation levels on water use efficiency, fertilizer use efficiency and biometric parameter of strawberry crop under coastal climatic condition of Konkan region. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2023; 12(7S): 2564-2569.