Characteristics influencing knowledge level of the farmers following market-led extension in fruits
Alekya BM, Sahana S, Ganesh Prasad TS, Basavaraj I Halingali and Raveesha S
The present study aims to understand the personal, psychological and communication characteristics of the fruit farmers who are practicing Market-led extension. The study was conducted in two districts viz., Chitradurga, Shivamogga in the year 2023. Two crops namely, Pomegranate, Pineapple were selected based on highest area under cultivation. Pomegranate was selected form Chitradurga, Pineapple from Shivamogga. From each district two taluks were selected based on highest area under cultivation. Totally, four taluks from two districts and from each taluk 20 farmers were selected. The primary data were collected randomly from farmers from each of the taluks practicing market-led extension. Thus, framing the total sample size to 80. The findings of the study showed that nearly half the farmers belonged to middle age group in both Pomegranate (52.50%) and Pineapple (47.50%). studied up to high school in Pomegranate (27.50%), Pineapple (37.50%) and medium land holding about 50.00 per cent in Pomegranate and Pineapple (40.00%). The farmers had medium level farming experience in Pomegranate (60.00%), Pineapple (70.00%). In Pomegranate (45.00%, 52.50%) and Pineapple (52.00%, 45.00%) growers had medium level of Market orientation and Innovativeness, respectively. farmers had medium level of risk orientation in Pomegranate (42.50%) and Pineapple (57.50%). Cent per cent of the farmers were motivated by High returns in both crops. Majority of the Pomegranate (70.00%) and Pineapple (60.00%) farmers shows medium level of the Cosmopoliteness. In Pomegranate, more than half of the Pomegranate (52.50%) farmers and 35.00 per cent of Pineapple growers had belonged to medium level of Cyber Proficiency. Whereas, majority of farmers in Pomegranate (60.00%), Pineapple (75.00%) belonged to medium level of Overall Information Seeking Behavior. Factors like education, innovativeness, farming experience, market orientation, risk orientation, information seeking behaviour and cosmopoliteness were having highly associated with knowledge level. Knowledge and skills on Market-led extension is essential for Effective marketing, profitability and enhance their livelihood.
How to cite this article:
Alekya BM, Sahana S, Ganesh Prasad TS, Basavaraj I Halingali and Raveesha S. Characteristics influencing knowledge level of the farmers following market-led extension in fruits. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2023; 12(12S): 1237-1243.