Vol. 12, Special Issue 12 (2023)
Fetal ascites in Bargur buffalo (Bubalus bubalis): A case report
P Ganapathi, K Ravikumar, NV Kavithaa, P Perumal and Dr. T Hariharan
Dystocia in bubaline species due to fetal origin is uncommon. However, cases were reported in different breeds of buffalo due to dropsical condition of fetus. The present communication reports a rare case of dystocia due to fetal ascites in Bargur buffalo. The anteriorly presented ascites buffalo calf was removed by obstetrical mutation and forced extraction. The buffalo cow was recovered eventually. This case report was in the record as this was first report in Bargur buffalo species.
How to cite this article:
P Ganapathi, K Ravikumar, NV Kavithaa, P Perumal and Dr. T Hariharan. Fetal ascites in Bargur buffalo (Bubalus bubalis): A case report. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2023; 12(12S): 1377-1379.