Profile of Bt cotton growers about management orientation of Bt cotton in Yavatmal district
SV Agham, JM Deshmukh, AS Dhengle and YD Pagare
The present investigation was carried out in Yavatmal district of the Maharashtra state. The study was conducted in, Yavatmal, Ner and Darwha. tehsils which were selected purposively on the basis of maximum area under Bt cotton. From each tahsil 10 villages were purposively selected based on maximum area under Bt cotton and from each selected village, 10 farmers were selected randomly. The structured schedule was developed keeping in view the objectives & variables under study. Majority of farmer were middle age group educated up to Secondary school (8th-10th) and had Small (1.01 to 2.00 ha) land holding. It was observed that in case of experience of Bt cotton cultivation, Area under Bt cotton, Annual income, Extension contact, Mass media exposure Economic and risk orientation maximum respondents were fall in medium category.
How to cite this article:
SV Agham, JM Deshmukh, AS Dhengle and YD Pagare. Profile of Bt cotton growers about management orientation of Bt cotton in Yavatmal district. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2023; 12(12S): 1082-1084.