Renewable energy integration in agricultural practices: Assessing the energy generation performance of agrivoltaic greenhouse system
Maulik Ramani, PM Chauhan, VK Tiwari and MS Dulawat
The agrivoltaic greenhouse was designed and developed at the Department of Renewable Energy Engineering, Junagadh Agricultural University, Junagadh (Gujarat). The solar photovoltaic panels were installed on the greenhouse roof in a chessboard configuration to minimize shading effects and efficient crop cultivation. The total solar power capacity of the developed agrivoltaic greenhouse was 4.8 kW. The energy generation performance of the developed agrivoltaic greenhouse was evaluated from March to May duration. The maximum energy output from the agrivoltaic greenhouse was observed in March at 512.78 kWh, followed by 509.28 kWh in May and 501.5 kWh in April, respectively. The overall final energy yield and reference energy yield were recorded as 3.45 h/d and 5.06 h/d, respectively, for the entire experimental duration. The performance ratio of the agrivoltaic greenhouse in energy output was observed higher in April at 0.71, while the overall performance ratio was recorded as 0.68.
How to cite this article:
Maulik Ramani, PM Chauhan, VK Tiwari and MS Dulawat. Renewable energy integration in agricultural practices: Assessing the energy generation performance of agrivoltaic greenhouse system. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2023; 12(12S): 287-290.