Molecular investigation of SILV and SLC45A2 genes associated with congenital defect of deafness and blindness in dog breeds of Tamil Nadu
R Saravanan, CM Vandana, M Jeyakumar and N Murali
The study was conducted to develop a genomic tool to identify puppies having congenital deafness and blindness in their early ages. The present study was aimed at identifying mutations present in the genes that may cause congenital deafness and blindness. SILV and SLC45A2 are the two coat color genes expected to have association with the congenital defects of dogs. The exon 10 of SILV gene revealed three different set genotypes of AA, AB and BB with the base pairs of 550, 550 and 200 and 200 bp respectively in Rajapalayam breeds of Dogs. The results of present study clearly indicates that all deaf animals with white colour coat expressed AA genotype, whereas white coat coloured silver eyed normal hearing dogs had AB genotype and the BB genotypes are present only in normal ealthy dogs. The exon7 of SLC45A2 gene had no amplified PCR product for the 7WDP primers, but a 750bp fragments was observed for 7SDP primers in all samples analyzed and it clearly indicates that SLC45A2 gene has not associated with deafness and blindness. Variations in the amplicon size between normal and healthy dogs are identified for puppies susceptible for the deafness and blindness.
How to cite this article:
R Saravanan, CM Vandana, M Jeyakumar and N Murali. Molecular investigation of SILV and SLC45A2 genes associated with congenital defect of deafness and blindness in dog breeds of Tamil Nadu. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2023; 12(11S): 1847-1850.