Economics of pond fish cultivation in Alappuzha district of Kerala
RR Meera Raj, TP Lazarus, F Thasnimol, J Brigit and S Visveswaran
Fish is an important component of food basket especially in developing countries. In addition to the contribution towards a nutritional diet, fishing sector acts as an employment generator. Inland fish farming involves any activity conducted to extract the fish and other aquatic organisms from "inland waters". The term "inland waters" is used to refer to lakes, rivers, streams, ponds, inland canals, dams and other land-locked (usually freshwater) waters. Pond fish farming is an important division of inland fish farming where, pond which is utilized for rearing fish is an artificial ecosystem created by humans. In an expanding population, demand for fish outpaced availability. Even though, higher initial investment is a major constraint in pond fish production, pond fish farming is an economically feasible project.
How to cite this article:
RR Meera Raj, TP Lazarus, F Thasnimol, J Brigit and S Visveswaran. Economics of pond fish cultivation in Alappuzha district of Kerala. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2023; 12(11S): 1768-1771.