Common problems encountered by early married rural women of Parbhani district
Sana Kausar Mohammed Ali and Jaya Bangale
A sample of 150 early married rural women age ranged between 15-20yrs were selected by following purposive random sampling method from 6 village of Parbhani District. The data pertaining to the study were collected by personally interviewing the early married rural women based on open ended interview schedule after seeking their consent and developing rapport with them. The result of the study showed that irrespective of SES 66.66 percent rural women could not continue further education due to their early marriage followed by having difficulty in carrying out household activities (54.00%), due to marriage they lost freedom (49.33%) and missed opportunities to spend time with friends (51.33%). About 41.66 percent of them also found to be suffered due to the irresponsible behaviour of husband like not sharing household responsibilities, shirking of financial burden of family, uncooperative in child care activities etc. In addition to these about 34.72 percent of them expressed that, they used to have conflicts in their families for sharing responsibilities as they belonged to large size families. While giving suggestions to the teenage girls, irrespective of SES, a higher percentage of sample rural women (90.00%) stated that for avoiding early marriages, girls must continue their higher studies. While 80.66 percent rural women suggested that teenage girls need to take special efforts for self-empowerment by enhancing their knowledge and skills, for career development.
How to cite this article:
Sana Kausar Mohammed Ali and Jaya Bangale. Common problems encountered by early married rural women of Parbhani district. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2023; 12(11S): 406-410.