Rice sheath blight: Symptoms, causes, management and control
Snehdeep Kamboj, Ajay Kumar, Damanpreet Singh Sandhu and Rajdeep Singh
Rice is the chief food grain and is a staple food for maximum of the world’s population. Taking into consideration the substantial rise in projected population, increased crop yield is required to meet the requirements of the rising global food demand. But, biotic stresses such as diseases have hindered cultivation of rice. Out of them, rice sheath blight is a major soil borne disease leading to economic losses of rice cultivation. This article recapitulates Rice sheath blight (SB), disease symptoms, management and control. Specifically, it elaborates the effects of widespread chemical methods, various cultural methods and biological control methods that influence SB incidence.
How to cite this article:
Snehdeep Kamboj, Ajay Kumar, Damanpreet Singh Sandhu and Rajdeep Singh. Rice sheath blight: Symptoms, causes, management and control. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2022; 11(9S): 940-942.