Characterization of walnut genotypes selected from district Chamba for qualitative characters using DUS test guidelines
Megha Ahir, Jitender K Chauhan, Dharam Pal Sharma, Vishal S Rana, Rajesh Kumar Dogra, Neha Dhiman and Girish Dangi
The present study was carried out in the Chamba district of Himachal Pradesh during 2019–20 and 2020–21 to characterize the seedling tree population of walnut (Juglans regia L.). Based on non-metric characters, 98 seedling walnut trees were categorized and the results showed significant variation that allowed for the addition of better types to the existing walnut diversity. As per the DUS test guidelines, all types of classes were found for the tree growth habit character, viz. erect (42 genotypes), spreading (31 genotypes) and semi-erect (25 genotypes). The shape of the leaflet varied from elliptic (41) to broad elliptic (35) to narrow elliptic (22). Bearing was observed to be terminal in all the genotypes. Variation in nut shape in ventral view, i.e., circular (25), broad ovate (15), oblong (31), broad elliptic (16), ovate (7) and elliptic (4); nut shape in lateral view, i.e. oblate (21), circular (65), ovate (10) and broad elliptic (2); nut shape in cross section i.e. oblate (64), circular (33) and reniform (1); shape of base in lateral view i.e. rounded (74), truncate (9), cuneate (6) and emarginate (9); shape of apex in lateral view i.e. rounded (38), truncate (18), obtuse (35) and emarginate (7) were also observed. Nut weight was found to be light in 32 genotypes, heavy in 4 genotypes and medium in the remaining genotypes. Commercially important characters- kernel percentage was low (51) and medium (47); kernel colour was dark amber (13), amber (46), light (33) and extra light (6). Kernel removal was easy (34), moderate (32) and difficult (32), whereas shell thickness was thick (14), medium (81) and thin (3). These characters were highly significant in selecting desirable types.
How to cite this article:
Megha Ahir, Jitender K Chauhan, Dharam Pal Sharma, Vishal S Rana, Rajesh Kumar Dogra, Neha Dhiman and Girish Dangi. Characterization of walnut genotypes selected from district Chamba for qualitative characters using DUS test guidelines. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2022; 11(9S): 874-881.