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Vol. 11, Special Issue 7 (2022)

Characterization and classification of soils under different landforms using RS and GIS: A case study of Sawangi watershed of Yavatmal district, Maharashtra

SS Dhruw, NG Patil, RK Naitam, Anurag and N Kumar
In the present investigation was carried out in Sawangi watershed of Yawatmal district, Maharashtra, the main objectives of this investigation is to characterize and classification the soils of the Sawangi watershed as well as evaluate for sustainable management of the natural resources. An attempt has been made to integrate the visual interpretation of ALOS-DEM, sentinel 2A data and subsequent ground truth verification for delineation of landforms map and soil series. Soil resource inventory at 1:10,000 scale was developed using base map by establishing the soil-landform relationship. Ten soil series have been identified with fourteen soil phases from the landform units. The soils were very shallow to very deep (14 to150 cm) in depth, soil slope is very gently sloping (1–3%) to steeply sloping (30-50%), exhibits colour in (dark reddish brown to dark yellowish brown) hue 2.5 YR, 5 YR and 10 YR, value 3 to 5, and chroma 1 to 4. The soil reaction (pH) are slightly acidic to strongly alkaline (6.55 to 8.94) in nature and electrical conductivity (EC) were (0.12 to 4.40) dSm-1 increasing trend with depth is noticed, very low to medium in organic carbon content, calcium carbonate ranged from (2.71 to 12.44%), exchangeable cations were found in the order to Ca2+>Mg2+>Na+>K+ indicated and cation exchange capacity (CEC) varies from (31.39 to 70.43) cmol (p+) kg-1 indicates in all the soils. The soils having clayey to sand clay loam in texture, bulk density were (1.4 to 1.8) Mg m-3 and AWC ranged from (8.3 to 31.2%) in the different horizons of the soil, This soil comes under Vertisols, Inceptisols and Entisols soil orders. Based on the different landforms and soil characteristics, these soils are classified as Typic Haplusterts, Lithic Ustorthents, Vertic Haplustepts, and Sodic Haplusterts at the subgroup level.
Pages: 752-761  |  682 Views  405 Downloads
How to cite this article:
SS Dhruw, NG Patil, RK Naitam, Anurag and N Kumar. Characterization and classification of soils under different landforms using RS and GIS: A case study of Sawangi watershed of Yavatmal district, Maharashtra. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2022; 11(7S): 752-761.

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