Nephro-cysto urolithiasis induced kidney disease in two dogs: A case report
RC Sundararajan, K Preethi, V Vijayanand, S Kokila, K Gopal, M Balagangatharathilagar and E Madhesh
Two dogs viz. Spitz and Doberman was presented to Veterinary Clinical Complex with a history of anorexia, vomiting and difficulty in urination for past one week. Clinical examination revealed severely congested conjunctival mucous membrane, enlarged popliteal lymph node and pain on palpation of the abdomen. Hematological analysis revealed leukocytosis and neutrophilia. Serum biochemical analysis revealed increased blood urea nitrogen, creatinine, ALP, sodium and decreased glucose levels. Radiographical examination revealed distended bladder with various uroliths. Ultrasonography of two dogs revealed the presence of calculi also in both the kidneys and penile urethra of Spitz. Urinalysis revealed presence of numerous WBCs, RBCs and few phosphate crystals in the urine with acidic pH. The cases were diagnosed as urolithiasis induced kidney disease. The animals were managed with retrograde urohydropropulsion, fluid therapy, antibiotics, diuretics, anti-inflammatory drugs and anti-histamines along with oral urine alkalizing agents and anti-lithiatic tablets. The details of the cases will be discussed.
How to cite this article:
RC Sundararajan, K Preethi, V Vijayanand, S Kokila, K Gopal, M Balagangatharathilagar and E Madhesh. Nephro-cysto urolithiasis induced kidney disease in two dogs: A case report. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2022; 11(7S): 791-793.