Vol. 11, Special Issue 6 (2022)
Study of constraints and major hindrances faced by beneficiary farmers of micro-financial institutions during COVID-19, West Bengal
Satavisha Mookherjee and Ramchandra
COVID has demolished the country and other parts of the world. Micro-financial sectors have faced constraints or hurdles which has been a deteriorating factor. The undermentioned study has been instrumental in knowing which problems have stayed as major ones. Few of the enlisted constraints have stayed constant over the years while others evolved during the course of Covid-19. The rural beneficiary farmers getting the privilege of micro-finance have been a victim of these and managed to recover from these to a certain extent.
How to cite this article:
Satavisha Mookherjee and Ramchandra. Study of constraints and major hindrances faced by beneficiary farmers of micro-financial institutions during COVID-19, West Bengal. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2022; 11(6S): 1483-1485.