Abstract:In present study Dimethoate toxicity was induced in wistar rats to study haematological alterations in 24 Female wistar rats, were divided into four groups each comprised of six female rats. Group I as healthy control, Group II- Dimethoate (31 mg/kg b. wt) orally by gavage, Group III given Dimethoate @ 31 mg/kg b. wt +
Quisqualis indica leaves powder 1% of feed daily and rats in group IV considered as plant control were fed with
Quisqualis indica leaves powder 1% feed daily for 28 days.
Clinical signs such as Huddling, piloerection, diarrhoea, conjunctivitis, ataxia, staggering gait, spasm, respiratory distress, and dyspnoea were observed. Haematology revealed significant decrease in mean values of Hb, PCV, TEC, lymphocyte and significant increase in mean values of TLC in rats of treatment group. Administration of Dimethoate @ 31 mg/kg body weight through oral gavage daily for 28 days induced toxicity in female wistar rats and which was found ameliorated by daily feeding of Quisqualis indica leaves powder when fed @ 1% of feed.