Effect of balance diet containing bypass fat on performance of lactating buffaloes
Ramesh Kumar Mishra, RPS Baghel, Pawan Sirothiya, AK Tomar and Rahul Sharma
Abstract:Buffalo provide milk with high fat poor quality roughage limits the efficiency of nutrient utilization. Therefore a study was plan to see the effect of bypass fat on performance of lactating buffaloes. The 12 healthy Murrha buffalos of 3rd lactation were selected on the basis of body weight, milk yield and milk fat from the dairies around the Krishi Vigyan Kendra Katni (M.P.) and they were randomly divided into two groups of 6 buffaloes in each group. All animals were dewormed before start of experiment. They were assigned two dietary treatments. In farmer practice group (T1) buffaloes were fed with wheat straw 6.5 Kg + 12 Kg green berseem +1.5 Kg concentrate+ concentrate approximately half of the milk yield and Salt approximately 40g per buffalo per day. In treatment group (T2) feeding of roughage to the buffaloes were similar as T1 and balanced concentrate mixture were fed as per nutrient requirement. The isocaloric replacement of maize was done by adding bypass fat @4% in concentrate mixture.
The result data revealed that buffaloes of control (FP) group show greator loss of body weight during the experiment period. Whereas, buffaloes fed on treatment (BF) diet lost less body weight along with good production. The milk production in treatment group was recorded as 8.95 liter per day which was significantly higher (P<0.01) than control group of buffaloes in which average 8.21 liters production was recorded. Chemical composition of milk showed higher change for all constituents in treatment group but differences were non-significant among both the group except milk fat and TS per cent which were significantly (P<0.01) higher in treatment (7.07 & 16.40%) than in control (6.78 & 16.26%). The significant (P<0.05) difference in the concentration of serum Ca between two groups of buffaloes were recorded due to treatment effect. The significant effect was also observed in concentration of serum P in buffaloes of bypass fat group. Overall result clearly indicated that supplementation of bypass nutrient and balance diet was helpful in maintaining the good health as well as production performance in lactating buffaloes.
How to cite this article:
Ramesh Kumar Mishra, RPS Baghel, Pawan Sirothiya, AK Tomar and Rahul Sharma. Effect of balance diet containing bypass fat on performance of lactating buffaloes. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2022; 11(3S): 1332-1336.