Profile of FRAs beneficial tribal farmers of South Gujarat
JK Jadav, CK Timbadia, KL Chaudhary and AP Chaudhary
India is the home to large number of indigenous people, who are still untouched by the lifestyle of the modern world. In India tribal constitute 8.61 per cent of the total population of the country, numbering 104.28 million (Anon., 2011) and cover about 15 per cent of the country’s area. These were also known as the Adivasi's in the country, which are still dependent on haunting, agriculture and fishing. The majority of the majority of the beneficial tribal farmers belonged to middle to old age groups, had illiterate to primary level of education, medium to big level of family size, small to medium size of land holding, medium to high level of farming experience, farming alone or farming alone with animal husbandry as the main occupation, low to medium level of annual income, were frequently to rarely asses the source of information, membership in one organization to membership in more than one organization, moderate to lower level of risk orientation and had medium to low level of economic motivation. Further, they had moderate to lower level of scientific orientation, acquired training on agriculture and animal husbandry aspects, medium to lower level of innovativeness, moderate to lower level of management orientation, moderate to higher level of cohesiveness, fair to poor cropping pattern, medium to low level of material possession, had medium to low level of credit seeking behavior and moderate to short distance from market.
How to cite this article:
JK Jadav, CK Timbadia, KL Chaudhary and AP Chaudhary. Profile of FRAs beneficial tribal farmers of South Gujarat. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2022; 11(3S): 1193-1195.