Effect of different doses of fertilizers on yield and yield components of medium slender grain type rice
RA Singh, DK Verma, Nitendra Prakash, SKS Rajpoot, SP Giri, Mahendra Singh, Rajbahadur and AL Upadhyaay
Field experiment was carried out to assess the influence of various levels of NPK fertilizers (F1: 50-30-20 & F2: 100-60-40 kg/ha) on yield 5 new rice cultures namely IET 27394, IET 27438, IET 26227, IET 27117 and IET 27118 and two national checks (KRH 4 & WGL 14), in split plot design with three replications at Crop Research Station, (ANDUAT), Masodha, Ayodhya. Grain yield differences among the tested varieties were found to be significant. Significantly higher mean maximum grain yield was recorded by with IET 27118 (5.20 t/ha), at higher level of NPK 100% which was 16.33% higher at F1, followed by IET 227438 (4.75 t/ha). The increase level of NPK increases the grain yield. The highest grain yield was recorded at 100% RDF (4.72 t/ha). The lowest grain yield was recorded with 50% of RDF (3.78 t/ha). Higher nutrient response was (kg grain/kg nutrient) recorded with 100% RDF at IET 27438 (10.27) followed by IET 27394 (9.18). For good growth and yield the use of appropriate doses of fertilizers will significantly improve the yield of rice.
How to cite this article:
RA Singh, DK Verma, Nitendra Prakash, SKS Rajpoot, SP Giri, Mahendra Singh, Rajbahadur and AL Upadhyaay. Effect of different doses of fertilizers on yield and yield components of medium slender grain type rice. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2022; 11(3S): 441-444.