Effectiveness of ‘KVK Krishi Patashale’ in Bidar district of Karnataka (KVK Bidar: A pioneer institute to initiate an online weekly series of agricultural training program)
Sunilkumar NM, Rakesh Varma, Akshaykumar, Ningdalli Mallikarjun and Sidramappa V Manige
In India about 760 millions of farmers are engaged in agriculture. But the past couple of years due to Covid-19 pandemic the direct contact between the agricultural extension personnel and the farmers have experienced a notable extent of gap. To fill the gap between the agricultural extension personnel and the farmers in a alternate & modern way ICAR – Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Bidar has initiated a online weekly series of agricultural Capacity building program & Interaction sessions called ‘KVK KRISHI PATASHALE’. So, the study was conducted to measure the effectiveness of this program. This present study was conducted in Bidar district (8 talukas) of Karnataka state, totally 80 respondents were selected (10 from each taluka). Effectiveness of 15 online training of KVK krishi patashale was studied and the findings of the study reveales that soil & water conservation technologies and borewell recharge was found most effective / very useful (83.75%) followed by kharif crops, seeds and improved agronomic practices (71.25%) and the least effective training was Pradhan mantri fasal bhima yojane and crop insurance (37.50%).
How to cite this article:
Sunilkumar NM, Rakesh Varma, Akshaykumar, Ningdalli Mallikarjun and Sidramappa V Manige. Effectiveness of ‘KVK Krishi Patashale’ in Bidar district of Karnataka (KVK Bidar: A pioneer institute to initiate an online weekly series of agricultural training program). The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2022; 11(2S): 1879-1882.