Vol. 11, Special Issue 2 (2022)
Cellular and molecular pathways associated with ovarian physiology and estrus cycle in buffaloes
Manasa Varra, Girish Kumar V, Ramesh HS, Suchitra BR, Sudha G and Pooja CH
Buffaloes contribute greatly to the rural livestock economy of developing countries by providing milk, meat and draught power. Improving reproductive efficiency of buffaloes can help in exploiting their productive potential. Ovary is the functional unit of female reproductive system and understanding the cellular functions of the ovary and the molecular pathways associated with ovarian physiology of buffaloes may help in identifying intricate molecules involved in estrus cyclicity and estrus behavior. Review of literature revealed a paucity of information on signaling pathways associated with ovarian physiology and estrus cycle in buffaloes. Efforts need to be directed towards the studies on ovarian follicular dynamics and estrus cycle in buffaloes in the context of the role of signaling molecules involved in ovarian cyclicity and various factors affecting the estrus cycle. The data obtained from such kind of basic studies may aid in enhancing reproductive efficiency of buffaloes.
How to cite this article:
Manasa Varra, Girish Kumar V, Ramesh HS, Suchitra BR, Sudha G and Pooja CH. Cellular and molecular pathways associated with ovarian physiology and estrus cycle in buffaloes. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2022; 11(2S): 639-646.