Histomorphological, histochemical and ultrastructural study of sweat and sebaceous gland of Assam hill goat (Capra hircus) during pre-ruminant, transitional and ruminant age groups
Sukanta Das and Kabita Sarma
The present investigation was conducted in total eighteen numbers of Assam Hill Goat divided in three groups (preruminant (0-3 wks), Transitional (3-8 wks) and ruminant age groups (above 8 wks) with six numbers of animals in each group collected randomly to investigate the histomorphological, histochemical and ultrastructural feature of sweat and sebaceous gland. Histomorphological study showed that both the sebaceous and sweat glands were associated with the hair follicle. sebaceous glands were simple alveolar type and acini was composed of squamous to cuboidal cells with peripheral stem cells and necrotic cells, without nucleus containing sebum, opened in to the hair. Both the mono and bilobbed glands were present and duct was lined by flat cells. Sweat glands were located much below having various shape mostly sac like elongated lined by secretory and supported by spindle shaped myoepithellial cells. The population and activity of both sweat and sebaceous were maximum in ruminant age group. Sweat glandular higher activity were noticed in the transitional and ruminant age groups, characterized by secretory caps. Connective tissue fibres were anchoring the sebaceous and sweat glands. Ultrastructural study showed sebaceous glands were at one side of the follicle opened in to the follicle and sweat gland fundus part was locate at the level of hair bulb. Transmission electron microscopy showed the peripheral stem cells of flat elongated shaped sebaceous gland with round nucleus and indistinct nucleolus abundant lipid droplets and mitochondria, Golgi. Gland was supported by basal lamina and collagen fibres. Flat oval Sweat secretory cells were connected by zonulla occludense, supported by myoepithelial cells and connective tissue. The free end containing microvilli. Cells were containing abundant mitochondria, distinct nucleus and ribosomes. Acid phosphatase, alkaline phosphatase, and Adenosine triphosphatase activity were detected in the sweat and sebaceous gland. Sweat gland was strong PAS positive.
How to cite this article:
Sukanta Das and Kabita Sarma. Histomorphological, histochemical and ultrastructural study of sweat and sebaceous gland of Assam hill goat (Capra hircus) during pre-ruminant, transitional and ruminant age groups. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2022; 11(2S): 116-124.