A study on various constraints perceived by the farmers in adoption of BGREI interventions
Author(s): Anannya Jena, Dr. BP Mohapatra and Dr. SP Sangramsingh
Abstract: The present study on BGREI (Bringing Green Revolution to Eastern India) Programme was conducted to find out the various constraints faced by the farmers which inhibit and influence acceptance and adoption of BGREI interventions. There was a need for a second green revolution to feed the growing population as the country will have to increase its agricultural output. It is also important to mention that the first green revolution was limited to five crops with the main focus on wheat and was only limited to a few areas of the country, mainly Punjab, Haryana and western Uttar Pradesh. Studies have revealed that the cost intensive first green revolution helped mainly the rich farmers while the small and marginal farmers did not receive the desired benefits and their conditions showed a decline. The emergence of BGREI is to boost food production in eastern part of India that largely remained untouched in 1st green revolution that converted the north-west into a ‘grain bowl’. BGREI is a flagship programme under Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY). The problem in agricultural development is not the availability of improved agricultural technologies, but converting them into production accomplishments is the need of the hour. Like any other programme, BGREI is associated with a number of constraints at different levels. Here the investigator has tried to find out constraints perceived by the farmers in adoption of BGREI programme and suggestions to overcome it. This finding may go a long way in helping the researchers, planners, policy makers and implementing agencies in their future work.
Anannya Jena, Dr. BP Mohapatra and Dr. SP Sangramsingh. A study on various constraints perceived by the farmers in adoption of BGREI interventions. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2021; 10(9S): 34-36. DOI: 10.22271/tpi.2021.v10.i9Sa.7591