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Vol. 10, Special Issue 8 (2021)

Impact of betaine diet on haematological parameters in postpartum Murrah buffaloes

Jyotsana Shakkarpude, Aditya Mishra, Deepika D Caesar, Anand Kumar Jain, Sanju Mandal, Archana Jain, Rajesh Vandre and Madhvi Dhairykar
Metabolic stress associated with postpartum period negatively impact the health status of animal. Betaine is a growth promoting nutritional additive widely used in livestock. Betaine contains three methyl groups and thus acts as a methyl donor in metabolism. Methyl donation is needed for DNA methylation, prevention of oxidative stress, prevention of apoptosis, energy metabolism and protein synthesis. The present study was carried out to investigate the effect of betaine on haematological parameters in postpartum lactating Murrah buffaloes. Eighteen postpartum Murrah buffaloes were randomly catogorised into three groups for the experiment. T1 group was kept as control. T2, and T3 group was supplemented with betaine @ 50 g/animal/day and 100 g/animal/day respectively. Betaine was supplemented from day 5 postpartum and was continued upto 4 months postpartum. The mean values of TEC, Hb, PCV, MCV and MCHC differed non-significantly between all the treatment groups. The overall mean value of total leukocyte count of T1 group was higher than T2 and T3 group which differed (p<0.05) significantly between groups.
Pages: 942-947  |  446 Views  96 Downloads
How to cite this article:
Jyotsana Shakkarpude, Aditya Mishra, Deepika D Caesar, Anand Kumar Jain, Sanju Mandal, Archana Jain, Rajesh Vandre and Madhvi Dhairykar. Impact of betaine diet on haematological parameters in postpartum Murrah buffaloes. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2021; 10(8S): 942-947.

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