Vol. 10, Special Issue 5 (2021)
Bio-rational approaches for management of major brinjal pests: A review
Bhade Khemraj Shankar and Paritosh Tripathi
Brinjal is reported to be affected by many lepidopteran, coleopteran and hemipteran insect pests. These pests cause heavy loss in brinjal and requires management for their profitable yield. Chemical pesticides used for pest control pose risk of residue on fruits and environmental persistence. Bio rational pesticides are made from natural sources and provide equal or greater control then chemical pesticides without any of the negative side effects this means that has little to no harm to the environment and help keep soil healthy which improves the natural immune system of the plants and make them resistant to pest and diseases and create ideal conditions for crop growth. This paper highlights the efficiency of biorationals over conventional pesticides for management of major pests of brinjal.
How to cite this article:
Bhade Khemraj Shankar and Paritosh Tripathi. Bio-rational approaches for management of major brinjal pests: A review. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2021; 10(5S): 378-381.