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Vol. 10, Special Issue 5 (2021)

Impact of COVID-19 on farming activities in Chittoor district of Andhra Pradesh

K Raghavendra Chowdary, Vemaraju and M Reddi Kumar
Impact of COVID-19 on Farming activities in Chittoor district of Andhra Pradesh revealed that there was an average 6.66 per cent decline in production of agriculture, 26.66 per cent decline in horticulture and 31.66 decline in production of livestock. In agriculture crops 25.00 per cent decline in farm gate prices followed by 85.00 per cent decline in horticulture crops due to disruption in supply chain management and restriction on movement of money, men and closure of APMCs. Impact of Covid-19 on availability of inputs revealed that there was 22.22 per cent decline in availability of inputs like Seeds, fertilizers and pesticides and 21.11 per cent rise in price of inputs. With respect to marketing majority (73.11%) of the farmers faced lack of marketing facilities in agriculture crops, followed by 95.00 per cent in marketing of horticulture produce and 51.66 per cent of the famers faced problems marketing of livestock produce due to disruption in supply chain management and restriction on movement of money, men and closure of APMCs. In impact of Covid-19 on crop shifting pattern 20.00 per cent of the tomato farmers shifted from tomato to groundnut and 10.00 per cent of the farmers shifted from tomato to paddy. Impact of covid -19 on Post lock down preparedness of farmers in production and marketing aspects revealed that majority (80.00%) shown increase rate of dependence on social media Platforms (Whatsapp, Youtube, Facebook etc.,) and 23.33 per cent shown increased Interaction with ANGRAU Scientists (RARS/KVK/DAATTCs/DOA/ICAR) and 63.33 per cent of farmers shown interest towards formation of FPOs for production and marketing aspects.
Pages: 269-271  |  394 Views  90 Downloads
How to cite this article:
K Raghavendra Chowdary, Vemaraju and M Reddi Kumar. Impact of COVID-19 on farming activities in Chittoor district of Andhra Pradesh. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2021; 10(5S): 269-271.

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