A study on consumer preference, marketing and influencing factors towards bakery products in Dharwar district of Karnataka
Hanumantappa Jamanal and Dr. AD Naik
Bakery products are using in India as snacks. Bakery products have a very bright future in India a business proposition due to ever increasing demand for bakery products. Bakery products are the readymade food items made of various ingredients available anytime when demanded. The main bakery products are bread, biscuits, cakes, pastries and other milk and milk products. The present study was through light on consumer preference, perception and influencing factors towards Bakery products in Dharwad district of Karnataka. The main aim of the study is to understand the awareness level of respondent regarding various products and identifying factors in buying bakery products. For this purpose, a total 200 respondents were interviewed personally to their perception, preference and influencing factors on bakery products. The collected data was digitized in SPSS spreadsheet and simple statistical analysis were carried out such as descriptive stastical analysis frequency distribution and Garrent ranking. It was concluded that consumers buy bakery products because better appeal, taste and convenience from bakery foods.
How to cite this article:
Hanumantappa Jamanal and Dr. AD Naik. A study on consumer preference, marketing and influencing factors towards bakery products in Dharwar district of Karnataka. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2021; 10(12S): 1574-1576.