Screening of cumin germplasms/Varieties against blight disease
Sunaina Varma, Data Ram Kumhar, Priyanka and Mukesh Kumar Sheshma
The field trials on screening of germplasms/varieties were carried out during two consecutive Rabi seasons 2019-20 and 2020-21 at Institutional Farm, Collage of Agriculture, Swami Keshwanand Rajasthan Agricultural University, Bikaner. Blight caused by Alternaria burnsii (Uppal, Patel and Kamat) is a serious disease of cumin. Considering its regular occurrence and economic loss the blight pathogen was selected for present investigation to generate the information to find out the resistance of germplasms/varieties. Out of thirty entries tested, none was found completely free from disease also the recommended varieties of Rajasthan State viz., GC-4 was found highly susceptible to Alternaria burnsii under present investigation.
How to cite this article:
Sunaina Varma, Data Ram Kumhar, Priyanka and Mukesh Kumar Sheshma. Screening of cumin germplasms/Varieties against blight disease. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2021; 10(11S): 2547-2551.