Capacity building of rural women through training on livelihood security under RKVY project
Anju and Dr. Rajesh Dahiya
Rural women play a vital role in agricultural management and production activities in addition to their responsibilities at household level. Their contribution to socio economic development as producers and worker need to be recognized in the formal and informal sectors and appropriate policies relating to employment and her working conditions need to be drawn. Training is vital and essential to induce motivation, create confidence and increase the efficiency of women. It is a process by which desire, ideas, positive attitude, knowledge and skills are inculcated and reinforced. Keeping in view the present study under RKVY project was under taken in randomly selected Hisar and Bhiwani districts of Haryana state. 120 rural women from four villages i.e. 30 from each. Bheni kungar (Bhiwani), Kamiari, Mangali and Rajthal (Hisar) were sample for present study. Five days training along with intervention were provided on selected aspects. Skill of the respondents was assessed by preparing products from each training aspect. Highest skill acquisition was found for potato chips, jam preparation and pearl millet sprouted chat 90 percent each. All 100 percent respondents further disseminated the technology for knowledge and skill up gradation 33.30 percent adopted as an enterprise.
How to cite this article:
Anju and Dr. Rajesh Dahiya. Capacity building of rural women through training on livelihood security under RKVY project. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2021; 10(10S): 242-246.