A study on factor a Consumers buying behaviour towards selected green products
Ragini Dubey, Dr. Garima Singh and Sakshi Mishra
Green Marketing is the most latest and popular trend market which facilitated for the environment-friendly in individual, animal and planet (Rajeshkumar, 2012). The behavior is characterized by the uniqueness of individual expectations, the preference for multiple options, propensity to abandon Brand loyalty and switch to competitive brands that give higher (perceived) value. The new breed is even willing to import to satisfy specific requirement. Purposive sampling and Random sampling without replacement was used to select the study area and respondents. Information about the total number of respondent along with the population in that particular block was gathered. Then by random number table method were selected from easy day and metropolis as the respondents. Advertising greatly affects the purchase decision of green products. It is evident that the purchase behavior and customer satisfaction towards green products. Purchasing behavior of consumers depends on their level of satisfaction towards the products. The concern for environment has been found to be more among the young consumers. Consumers regard the features of the green products to be most important while purchasing them. They are even willing to pay more for the green products to protect their environment. Most of the respondents i.e. 83.33 per cent agreed with the statement that natural things are organic in nature are used for making green products which lure them to buy these products. A consumer’s purchase behavior depends on the consumer’s level of satisfaction towards the product. Purchasing behavior and customer satisfaction is mostly influenced by the attributes of the green products.
How to cite this article:
Ragini Dubey, Dr. Garima Singh and Sakshi Mishra. A study on factor a Consumers buying behaviour towards selected green products. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2020; 9(9S): 211-215.