Effectiveness of mobile app. in sheep and goat farming: a perception analysis
S Senthilkumar
An innovative technology in the field of electronic medium was developed as “Mobile App. in sheep and goat farming” for the benefit of stakeholders like entrepreneurs, progressive farmers and farmers. Perception on the usefulness of developed android based mobile app. was studied among randomly selected 60 small ruminant farmers and 60 extension personnel who had android mobile phone that constituted a sample size of 120 for the present study. The responses on usefulness of mobile app. were recorded on a three point continuum i.e. most satisfied, satisfied and least satisfied with the score of 3, 2, and 1 respectively. The item wise perception score was calculated based on the mean. Based on the individual score, the perception index was calculated for each respondent. The results of the study showed that the overall perception of the extension personnel (perception score-4.1) and farmers (perception score-4.0) on the mobile app. ranged from most satisfactory to satisfactory level.
How to cite this article:
S Senthilkumar. Effectiveness of mobile app. in sheep and goat farming: a perception analysis. The Pharma Innovation Journal. 2020; 9(4S): 08-11.