Successful therapeutic management of upper respiratory tract infection due to pasteurellosis in a red-eared slider turtle
Muhammed Shafeeque AS, Kamarunneesa A, Sneha CV and Muhammed Sinan AS
An eight-year-old male Red-eared slider (Trachemys scripta elegans), weighing 350 g, was presented to the Teaching Veterinary Clinical Complex, Mannuthy, Thrissur, with complaints of swelling in both eyes, anorexia, and inactive open-mouth swimming for one week. The exotic pet was kept in an indoor aquarium and maintained on commercial feed. Clinical examination revealed bilateral conjunctivitis, blepharitis, and edema of the eyelids, with watery discharge from the nostrils. A blood smear was found to be negative. A smear from the eye swab showed numerous cocci, bipolar cells, and coccobacilli. Based on the history and clinical signs, the condition was diagnosed as an upper respiratory tract infection. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using a nasal swab was found positive for Pasteurella spp. By targeting the rpoB gene with an amplicon size of 560 bp. Under anesthesia, both eyes were cleaned using a 5% povidone iodine solution and examined for any abscesses. The animal was treated with enrofloxacin, meloxicam, and supportive therapy. The owner was advised to add 2% boric acid to the aquarium and incorporate vitamin A-containing feeds into the diet. The red-eared slider showed an uneventful recovery after 15 days of treatment.
How to cite this article:
Muhammed Shafeeque AS, Kamarunneesa A, Sneha CV, Muhammed Sinan AS. Successful therapeutic management of upper respiratory tract infection due to pasteurellosis in a red-eared slider turtle. Pharma Innovation 2025;14(1):85-86.