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Vol. 14, Issue 1 (2025)

Heterosis and genetic variability in F1 generation of blackgram

AL Prasanna Kumar and Gabrial ML
The present investigation was done to study the variability, heritability and genetic advance as % mean, Heterosis, Heterobeltiosis and Economic Heterosis involving 14 parents and their 22 F1 hybrids and 2 checks in Blackgram for kharif 2017. The experimental material was planted in randomized block design with three replications at the field experimentation center, Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, SHUATS, Allahabad, U.P. Biological yield, harvest index, seed yield per plant, exhibited high GCV, PCV and genetic parameters revealed that heritability (broadsense) and genetic advance as % of mean values were high for seed yield per plant indicating that selection would be fruitful for improvement of these traits. Among 14 parents studied, KPU-63-189 recorded high performance for seed yield per plant followed by IU-02-1-3, PU-09-37 and PU-38 genotypes. The magnitude of percentage of heterosis expressed by the hybrids for 13 characters varied among themselves. Among 22 crosses, KPU-13-192 x LBG-648, KPU-13-192 x KU-13-01, KPU-13-192 x KU-96-7 exhibited positive significant heterosis in seed yield per plant.
Pages: 14-18  |  84 Views  40 Downloads

The Pharma Innovation Journal
How to cite this article:
AL Prasanna Kumar, Gabrial ML. Heterosis and genetic variability in F1 generation of blackgram. Pharma Innovation 2025;14(1):14-18.

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