Abstract:An experiment was conducted at Alpine Institute of Management and Technology, Dehradun to study the effect of various levels of phosphorus and sulphur on growth and yield of green gram [
Vigna radiata L.] during zaid season of 2023 in factorial randomised block design with three different levels of phosphorus
viz. P
1 - 45 kg/ha, P
2 - 60 kg/ha, P
3 - 75 kg/ha and three different levels of sulphur
viz. S
1 - 5 kg/ha, S
2 - 10 kg/ha, S
3 - 15 kg/ha, which was replicated thrice. The variety chosen was PDM – 139 (Samrat). The soil was sandy clayey loam with medium phosphorus and medium potassium with pH 6.3.
Growth and yield attributing characters visualizing plant height, number of leaves, number of branches, plant dry weight (g), crop growth rate (CGR) (g/m2/day), relative growth rate (RGR) (g/g/day), number of pods/plant, pod length/plant, number of seeds/pod, test weight (g), grain yield (q/ha), stover yield (q/ha), harvest index (%) were significantly more with the application of 75 kg/ha phosphorus in comparison to 45 kg/ha phosphorus and was at par with 60 kg/ha phosphorus. In case of sulphur the growth, yield attributing characters and yield were significantly increased with the application of 15 kg/ha sulphur in comparison to 5 kg/ha sulphur and was at par with 10 kg/ha sulphur.
Based on present investigation it can be said that application of 75 kg/ha phosphorus and 15 kg/ha sulphur yielded maximum growth and yield attributes of green gram.