Adoption and Impact of Zero Tillage Rice Straw Mulch (ZTRM) potato technology of farmers in Golaghat, Assam, India
Bhaskar Pathak and Dr. Munindra Kakati
This method, known as zero tillage and rice straw mulching, or ZTRM, is popular for wheat, soyabean, maize and barley but is less common for potatoes. On the contrary, small farm holders of Assam, India are starting to adopt the ZTRM technique. Since the ZTRM technique uses a mulch cover, high soil moisture content is retained. This technique does not require land preparation. Conversely, conventional tillage (CT) calls for irrigation, higher fertilizer dosages, and land preparation, among other field operations. Therefore, the costs associated with the two practices differ. An account of the cost-benefit analysis of ZTRM and CT in Assam’s potato cultivation is given in this study. One distinct farmer's field in the Golaghat districts used for the experiment to comprehend the cost of cultivation involved in both ZTRM and CT. Likewise, 400 no of adopter farmers were taken for the study to understand the factors associated in the adoption of the ZTRM technology. From regression analysis, it was found that the factors which affected ZTRM technology adoption are education, farming knowledge, characteristics of technology, cost of technology, farm size, social participation, access to training, access to field demonstration and scientific orientation. The findings of correlation showed that, when compared to CT, in ZTRM the adopter farmers were able to generate more income with low cost of cultivation. Therefore, it can be recommended that with higher yields, better returns, and sustainable farming practices, ZTRM shows to be a viable strategy for crop intensification in the state of Assam. This will eventually raise the standard of living for farming communities in the area.
How to cite this article:
Bhaskar Pathak, Dr. Munindra Kakati. Adoption and Impact of Zero Tillage Rice Straw Mulch (ZTRM) potato technology of farmers in Golaghat, Assam, India. Pharma Innovation 2024;13(9):92-101.